Introduction to Design Patterns in C#

Here we go!

Finally, i arrived for learning C# design patterns.

I like this book from very beginning!

At first author introduce descriptions of basic C# data types and other programming basics like arithmetic operators and there exist a comparison between C# to C language.

The presented examples are easy to follow, one minor thing, which I personally didn’t liked was that author selected native windows UI, sure in terms of our days it’s outdated, but for author it was simple choice (Who can remember programming in ASP, .NET, WPF?).

As reader, you will see UML diagrams, which are clear and simple to understand, they are not over-engineered like in a real life.

When I read this book I feel the guidance from the author, it’s really good and this only how you should learn design patterns!

The author describes not only advantages of design patterns, but the disadvantages too.

Through whole book you will find reasons why a particular design pattern is useful and in which cases you can or cant use it. 

Overall good examples, still I wished that book would be more about non GUI solutions, why you ask ?

GUI tend to change with time , if you have requirements change,  then GUI will 100% slow you down, but if you have really decoupled it from your main and major requirements, then you have the ability quickly to integrate with ever changing UI, just don’t make it to the major dependency in your project (which can be hard choice!) , keep it clean and keep it simple!

Summary: Again, I learn a lot of and i think this book is good reference for material if you need to teach of design patterns in C# or even refreshing your own memory about where using of design pattern make sense.

This definitely a must have book for any c# developer, because design pattern are timeless!